Monday, November 10, 2008

negative feelings

Have you ever felt so put down that it seems that everyone is always saying something negative about you that brings you down?

I feel like today is that day for me.
I feel as everything is saddening. I feel like I can do no right.
like im working for no reason and that im just running in a circle and nothing to show for it and no appreciation.

I should be happy, I have a wonderful family, a house to live in, food to eat, an education, but for some reason I cant be.

I pray I can learn to look only at the positive instead of the negative.


  1. Cheer up sis....we all have those days! if you need to talk, I'll be out of work can text or call me...whatever works for you.

  2. I appreciate you. I love you and I am proud of your accomplisments! Keep your head up and stay strong. You are a beautiful girl inside and out
    and I am so very proud of you!!!

  3. Awww cheer up! You are awesome and always cheer up everyone. Don't let negative people bring you down. One step to always staying positive is to surround yourself with positive people...It only takes 1 bad apple to get you down. Keep your head up!
