Monday, April 20, 2009

Everything Happens For A Reason?

I feel very strongly about the saying "Everything happens for a reason.” I believe that everything does happen for a reason. But I also believe for every action (choice/decision) there is a reaction (consequence). For example say someone makes a bad decision they must pay the consequences for that choice. But, it happened for a reason! God may be trying to show you that you need a change of heart (don't say that too fast lol).

If everything happens for a reason, should those choices be regretted? I think regret is a type of a strong burden that many people hold. We should feel sorrow because of sin, but God's will is a repentance that is "without regret." Regret is often felt when someone feels sadness, shame, embarrassment, depression or guilt after committing an action or actions that the person later wishes that he or she had not done. A burden is a heavy weight that is difficult to carry. Metaphorically it refers to anything difficult or troubling. I think that bad choices should be regretted in a way, you should know not to make the mistake again but your regret shouldn’t be burden and get in the way of your relationship with God.